My Spiritual Journey

I have had a rich and complex spiritual journey, one which began many generations before I was born.

In this space I’d like to share some of the places I’ve been and what I have found.

A Roadmap

0. An Overview

1. Ancestral Faith

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

—Jeremiah 1:5, NRSVue

I used to be embarrassed by the question, common in Evangelical circles: “When did you come to Christ?”

I knew my answer would not satisfy them.

I knew my story of being carried into the church founded and populated by my ancestors to the present day in their close-knit community the week after I was born was not the answer they were looking for.

Yet it was the truest answer I could and never gave.

It is the answer I can give now:

I have been a member of the body of Christ since the moment I was conceived.